With the new year approaching closer and closer the time for New Years resolutions are about to come up. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard people say they are quitting smoking on the coming of the new year and a week later are smoking again.
I have battled with this unfortunate habit as well, some things I have picked up along the way have seemed to help me and others quite a bit.
First off you have a few options when it comes to quitting you have cold turkey, the patch, the gum, and electronic cigarettes for cutting back. All of which I have tried.
I am telling you right now that cold turkey is not only a inefficient way to go but also can cause strains with loved ones as you will probably be irritated and jump into little fights that mean nothing just because you do not have a cigarette. It is especially harder if you have family that finds out your quitting and starts off by saying "Well you better quit, if you don't I swear I am going to be so mad at you." Yeah we all have those tough love relatives and even though they mean well it can just make you rather hear nails on a chalkboard.
For those tough love relatives I personally wouldn't even tell them, just have them notice on their own that you are not smoking. Because if you break down you don't have the added pressure. Everyone breaks down.
Major tips
#1 Say: "Well I broke down however, I went X amount of hours/days/months without a cigarette which helped my health either way."
#2 When you break down just start quitting again and act like it's nothing.
#3 If you are quitting with someone make a deal to not be angry at each other about breaking, it is hard to quit but if your spouse smokes it makes it so much harder when both are quitting.
#4 Reward yourself with the money you are saving from not smoking calculate how much you spend a week and buy yourself something with that money.
#5 Remember on average it takes a person over seven attempts to quit smoking.
Big Topic: THE PATCH
I hear many people say that the patch hurts them and they ripped it off. I'll tell you what the patch sucks at first. You get itchy, rashy, and your arm will hurt. But you are putting chemicals on your skin so of course it's going to hurt. The longer you keep it on the more your body will be used to it. Eventually it will be like nothing no red marks only a slight ache when the nicotine is releasing on and off throughout the day.
I also hear people complain about prices and they are expensive but I have found alternatives that are way less or free. For one instead of buying Nicoderm but the Equate brand it's the same thing but way cheaper. Here in Washington I would buy the 21mg patches or 14mg patches and cut them in half or whatever I need, for 14 patches it's under twenty dollars.
1mg = 1 cigarette
You smoke half a pack a day cut a 21mg patch in half.
There are also a lot of helplines that will even give you anything you need to quit for free.
I had one hotline that did and if I could remember the name I would promote these people like crazy so when I find them again I will post it. These people even had a number to call when I was having a "nic fit" and would calm me down and help me find alternatives and also give free patches. That was my first time trying and they helped me get through a month cold turkey. (I was 18 and nervous about trying the patch for the first time. So I did not have them send any.)
It tastes awful unless you get the minty kind but problem is it made me want to chew it more because of the flavor. With the gum you chew it until you get a tingle and then put it in your cheek kind of like chew. It does kind of burn and for some people like my best friend it made her feel nauseous and light headed. I think it is because when you chew it sometimes you give yourself too much.
I would recommend this for anyone who smokes over a pack a day because even doctors say patches are not useful for people who smoke that much. This can help you cut back, it really kills that craving for a cigarette and allows you more freedom.
Before you even start quitting though there is a big piece of advice that I want to share that most will never tell you.
When you decide you want to quit you have all that time before you can get your materials and it can change your mind. We all go in and out on quitting so this is my advice.
Buy your quitting smoking materials and keep them on you, when that urge to quit hits start then. A quit date I always found to be pressuring and would find myself trying to finish off my pack before that day and then deciding well maybe I don't want to quit.
Treat this like an ordinary thing the pressure can crack you and break you down.
The more you quit the more and more you realize how much you aren't dependent on tobacco.
I hope that these tips can help you and if anyone quitting needs support feel free to contact me for any questions or advice.
You can do anything you put your mind to, do not doubt yourself feel proud for even trying because in life all you can do is try and try again until you succeed.
Friday, December 27, 2013
Monday, October 28, 2013
Krokodil, the drug that should not exist. Warning: Contains graphic images.
Krokodil is a heroin like substance that is cheaper than the actual drug heroin, it's affects last a less amount of time but is becoming increasingly noticeable because of its low cost.
It has been around in Russia for a good amount of time and has surfaced in Illinois, Arizona, and I have even heard that it has even popped up in Washington State. In Russia it is hard to come by heroin and that is why it has become such an issue there. I feel the reason why it is starting to come here is not the lack of heroin, but the fact that people are poor, and people who are addicted will do whatever they can to get their fix. It is an expense problem.
The affects of this drug is so severe that a user of this drug MAY live for one to two years. It literally rots you from the inside out. What is scary is people who use heroin may not even realize that they are using Krokodil and may be thinking that they are just getting a cheaper version of heroin until it is too late.
When has a drug dealer ever been honest, and who is going to say buy this it is cheaper but will rot you from the inside out.
Doctors who have seen it have claimed that it people who use this drug smell of rotting flesh and that the drug gets it's name for the scaly green skin that it gives people.
It is a deadly mixture of codeine, gasoline, butane, paint thinner, and who knows what else. Usually the people who are being treated for this are put in burn units, and I am sure they probably have to graph new skin on the victims.
I hope no one uses this drug, and if anyone reading this is, please stop.
We need to stop this drug, and right now no one is sure how far it has gone.
These images I am going to show are not exaggerated this is real, and this is the affects of this drug. This isn't from years of abuse this is from short term abuse being a few months to a year or two. After that you die.


Whoever made this drug can rot in hell. I hope that this doesn't end up being a big trend it is already scary enough that our children, and all loved ones are exposed to meth, heroin, cocaine, but now things like krokodil, bath salts, and other random drugs that are being made.
I don't understand how you could do this and allow yourself all that pain and all of your family the pain of watching you suffer.
Be aware and raise awareness on this drug.
It has been around in Russia for a good amount of time and has surfaced in Illinois, Arizona, and I have even heard that it has even popped up in Washington State. In Russia it is hard to come by heroin and that is why it has become such an issue there. I feel the reason why it is starting to come here is not the lack of heroin, but the fact that people are poor, and people who are addicted will do whatever they can to get their fix. It is an expense problem.
The affects of this drug is so severe that a user of this drug MAY live for one to two years. It literally rots you from the inside out. What is scary is people who use heroin may not even realize that they are using Krokodil and may be thinking that they are just getting a cheaper version of heroin until it is too late.
When has a drug dealer ever been honest, and who is going to say buy this it is cheaper but will rot you from the inside out.
Doctors who have seen it have claimed that it people who use this drug smell of rotting flesh and that the drug gets it's name for the scaly green skin that it gives people.
It is a deadly mixture of codeine, gasoline, butane, paint thinner, and who knows what else. Usually the people who are being treated for this are put in burn units, and I am sure they probably have to graph new skin on the victims.
I hope no one uses this drug, and if anyone reading this is, please stop.
We need to stop this drug, and right now no one is sure how far it has gone.
These images I am going to show are not exaggerated this is real, and this is the affects of this drug. This isn't from years of abuse this is from short term abuse being a few months to a year or two. After that you die.

Whoever made this drug can rot in hell. I hope that this doesn't end up being a big trend it is already scary enough that our children, and all loved ones are exposed to meth, heroin, cocaine, but now things like krokodil, bath salts, and other random drugs that are being made.
I don't understand how you could do this and allow yourself all that pain and all of your family the pain of watching you suffer.
Be aware and raise awareness on this drug.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Giving a stray a second chance.
I have learned a lot about FIV in the past few days, the reason being is because I have fallen for a sweet old stray cat I named Big Red. This poor cat was abandoned ten years ago by some heartless people that used to live in my trailer park. Left to survive on his own and no one wanting him he had to fight for his life.
I found him under my porch, he would come around at night and eat cat food I put outside for the neighborhood cats. (I swear I am NOT a crazy cat lady) just someone who loves animals. Well he finally learned to trust me, before then he wouldn't approach me he would bolt seeing anyone.
I asked my neighbor and my landlord about him, people had been trying to catch him to take him to a shelter but he wouldn't let anyone approach him.
All in all my cat started living on my porch because I started feeding him tuna and skinless, boneless chicken. When I first found him he was matted, skin and bones, he was an inch from death.
Taking him into the vet yesterday I started crying when I heard he had feline AIDS because I have three normal cats and thought I can't bring him in and he is going to die if I don't.
A lot of people think, including myself in the past, that even petting a cat with FIV will get my normal cat sick. But it is false. Actually normal social contact will not cause your cats to get sick, even sharing bowls is a slim chance. Fighting, sex, and litter boxes are the main ways.
I say to just even keep them separate. Now Big Red lives in my master bedroom and he is so old, he is just happy to sleep on a giant queen bed and have someone bring him breakfast in bed.
I could have given to a shelter and I could have put him down, but I would rather give him a second chance at life and I knew that taking him to a shelter no one would take a 14 year old cats with AIDS.
It's not easy losing a pet, and I know I could lose him even five minutes from now. But I know that I am giving him a life he never thought he would have again.
He is now on antibiotics, eye drops for conjunctivitis, he had gotten flea medication, and de worming. He has gingivitis, conjunctivitis, and swollen glands. But he is doing better.
This is him in the picture obviously, could you look at this cat and reject giving him a better life? I hope your answer is no.
If you have up and abandoned an animal look at how infected this cat is, and realize how screwed up it is to ditch an animal. A creature that loved you and you threw it away to die. If you don't love an animal and want to keep it forever then DON'T GET A PET!!! It is people like me that clean up your cruel mess. If you don't want your cat anymore take it to a shelter, not a pound a shelter. Have a heart, and don't be afraid to love an animal even the really sick ones.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
I never realized how complicated and expensive weddings were until I got engaged. Three years later, I have a beautiful Vera Wang dress in my closet and sometimes I wasn't sure if I could ever afford to wear that beautiful gown.
How much do people on average spend on weddings?
According to costofwedding.com "On average, US couples spend $25,656 for their wedding. However, the majority of couples spend between $19,242 and $32,070."
Wow that would mean divided up monthly, for the average that is, equals $2,138 if you were to save one year.
For most people that is a whole months worth of income. So how do we cut the costs? How do we have a great wedding without paying all the money?
For one: Make your cake, how many times have you gone to a wedding and seen the gorgeous cake just to take a bite and have it taste like cardboard? Choose quality over how it looks.
Two: Make your own center pieces sometimes you can find great deals at Michaels or Joann Fabrics on all different materials. Theknot.com has a lot of information about everything weddings, you can see what center pieces there are and make them on your own. It also adds a creative touch when people know you made it yourself.
Three: As far as venues go some places are online at theknot.com and they show pictures of the venue to give you an idea, and some places offer catering deals if you go to them.
Most things can be homemade, the most expensive things would be probably the dresses, venue, and tuxedos. An article that I recently found really made me happy to know that a successful wedding could happen with a small budget.
Big suggestion is this site, they give you great ideas and can help you organize everything pretty easily.
Feel free to comment or follow me on Twitter let me know what you think, I love hearing opinions.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
The buzz on the electronic cigarettes, lies and truth.
Electronic cigarettes have been picking up lately, more and more people including celebrities are using them more than actual cigarettes.
But what is the real truth about them?
Are they really unsafe like some of the medical studies say?
Think about the cigarette you are smoking right now, you are currently smoking 4000 chemicals and 69 are cancer causing chemical compounds. (According to tricountycessastion.org)
Electronic cigarettes all depending what kind of e-liquid you buy or cartridges you purchase have only a few. I personally have purchased an electronic cigarette to quit smoking, the chemicals in the e-liquid I use have propylene glycol, vegetable glycol, and nicotine.
The glycol in the e-liquid produces the vapor smoke you exhale. Yes they are chemicals, and yes there are still health risks but I can safely say that it is way healthier than smoking cigarettes.
What I will warn people about though is when you are purchasing e-liquid, KNOW WHAT IS IN YOUR PRODUCT! Keep a lookout for ethylene glycol which is something that they put in antifreeze.
But anyone saying that they are worse than cigarettes is sitting in the back pocket of tobacco companies. When you think about it and all the money tobacco companies make, well when it comes to greedy people almost anything has a price.
There have been a lot of people quitting cigarettes and smoking only e-cigs, I fully believe that the tobacco companies are worried about seeing a massive decline in their accounts. Now not only are they bashing the electronic cigarette idea but they now are trying to start making their own electronic cigarettes.
I am sure this whole world benefits from us smoking and ruining our bodies.
In Washington state where a pack is on average eight dollars a pack, and you smoke a pack a day. That would equal to $56 a week, $224 a month, $2,688 a year. Now add on .08% interest for taxes $2,903.08. Now that is hopefully if it is only a pack a day, without giving any away dropping any, breaking any etc.
Now take your cost times that by just one million which isn't even all the smokers in America. That equals out to $2,903,080,000. Pretty large number what can tobacco companies buy with two billion dollars? Hmm...a lot of backup that is what.
Then think of all your medical bills and how much of your illnesses are tobacco related. Don't lie to yourself because your making yourself sick, I know because I smoked almost ten years. Now that I have switched to e-cigs I breathe easier, I can smell things again, I actually smell like my expensive amazing laundry soap, and on top of it I can exercise again and I haven't been hacking, gagging, and getting headaches.
If you do decide to make the switch, remember that even if you don't feel like you are having a "nic fit" you ARE withdrawing from cigarette chemicals, don't mistake it for the electronic cigarette. You will be tired, nauseous, and have headaches when you first quit tobacco. If the nicotine in your e-liquid is too strong, buy 0mg and mix it and it will be a lot easier, because that first drag is harsh.
I hope this blog post can give people some idea of why it is better to switch and that some of your questions may be answered, or thoughts validated.
Quit supporting the tobacco companies now, and for good!
The fight over medical.
People in America have been fighting constantly about medical, medicare, and lately Obamacare. The great battle of socialism.
There are a lot of people who are anti-socialism and who don't want to pay extra taxes or think things like Obamacare are going to be a terrible downfall.
The main question I have is, what has education taught us, or on the other hand not taught us?
During the 60's and 70's there was protesting, and people fighting for what they wanted. People were not scared of standing up for themselves, and people understood the system almost or as much as our politicians and government. Now days with the lack of education those things have slipped away from us.
Did you know that the more we spend from our taxes, that goes to education? Yes, our taxes have been misplaced into things that are overly invested in, and we have things we are lacking in. However, you have the right to speak up, and do not let anyone silence you, it is your right as an American to have free speech.
We also as human beings should have a right to healthcare to be affordable. People are worried about Obamacare saying that it won't be cheaper and that it will be a downfall. Did you know that he ideally wants universal healthcare. Which to those who do not know is free healthcare. Yes, you pay more taxes but think of it this way. A person who makes 30,000 a year, say they take 8,000 from it. You may be thinking well I will barely be able to survive. But say you get cancer or your child, mother, father, anyone. 8,000 a year only seems pretty cheap doesn't it? Where you can walk into a clinic, and no one there to say we need $500 down on this surgery today or we can't help you. Also no paying or barely paying for your medications.
Obama is putting Obamacare as a first step, your taxes will go up but health insurance companies will not be able to charge so much. You will also be able to pay cheaply for insurance without a job, all those people at home sick and unable to work can receive help. Your children can receive help.
If you still unsure why not give it a try?
Instead of people researching non-biased government articles or researching what all of these things are people are listening to biased news channels like FOX network, or believing word of mouth from others.
Our silence and our greed has made us uneducated, not stupid but uneducated. It is still never too late to educate yourself, and it is never too late to look at the other side with an open mind just to try and understand where they are coming from.
I frequently try to understand the biased news channels and I can honestly say I see why people believe what is being said, and all those reporters definitely believe what they are saying and have a way to get people scared to believe their side.
There is no reason to be mad with politics or hate someone of a different political view, and if people were more understanding of each other's opinions and the things they have learned, maybe we could get somewhere.
As far as medical I have been on both sides insured and uninsured, able to pay, and not able to pay.
The treatment you get when you are uninsured is unbelievable, no one is trusting enough to do payments and they want a large sum of money out of pocket right then and there. So many people have helped make doctors and dentists wary, but at the same time it is horrible that most people these days no longer care about a stranger's health and just the amount of money in their wallet.
Having had an abscess recently for almost ten months I found out how much people actually cared. The advice I was given was if it swells to where you can't see from your eye then go to the ER.
That's assuring isn't it?
No matter who you are, what your beliefs are, where you come from, whether your a smoker, drug addict, or a completely straight edge person no one deserves that treatment.
Have people's greed made everyone more untrustworthy?
Back to the subject of taxes, I have heard many people say well why would I care about some unemployed person's health who leeches the system?
It's not just those "leeches" you are caring for, and we should not let those few selfish and manipulative people ruin chances for others who are in need. For all you know that person using food stamps on welfare who looks healthy, they could have HIV and not any money for medication, they could have early stages of cancer, or early MS. You can never know sometimes, and with the taxes you pay, if you lose your job tomorrow those taxes will also help you in return.
Money, beauty, fame, they all can be gone in an instant, would you want to be on the other end of the spectrum being judged for what you do not have?
Besides if I saw someone with money helping out someone in need and I later saw them needing help or a favor, I would definitely give what I can. It's called karma and when you help people whether it's paying taxes, donating clothes, giving food or whatever you will have people in return help you one day.
You can't think about who will screw you over, you have to think about if you help ten people, nine of them turn out ungrateful and trying to mooch, but one out of those ten takes money you gave them and took an opportunity to better themselves. Wouldn't it be great to see someone go from rock bottom to the top because you gave them a chance?
Helping someone with healthcare or paying taxes for Obamacare will help so many people and whether it will benefit you right off, think of children's lives being saved especially. Your taxes helped pay for a surgery, a root canal, chemo, or a heart transplant.
From now on every time you see a chunk taken from your check, sleep better at night knowing you helped someone in desperate need. Be proud of yourself, and be proud to be an American.
There are a lot of people who are anti-socialism and who don't want to pay extra taxes or think things like Obamacare are going to be a terrible downfall.
The main question I have is, what has education taught us, or on the other hand not taught us?
During the 60's and 70's there was protesting, and people fighting for what they wanted. People were not scared of standing up for themselves, and people understood the system almost or as much as our politicians and government. Now days with the lack of education those things have slipped away from us.
Did you know that the more we spend from our taxes, that goes to education? Yes, our taxes have been misplaced into things that are overly invested in, and we have things we are lacking in. However, you have the right to speak up, and do not let anyone silence you, it is your right as an American to have free speech.
We also as human beings should have a right to healthcare to be affordable. People are worried about Obamacare saying that it won't be cheaper and that it will be a downfall. Did you know that he ideally wants universal healthcare. Which to those who do not know is free healthcare. Yes, you pay more taxes but think of it this way. A person who makes 30,000 a year, say they take 8,000 from it. You may be thinking well I will barely be able to survive. But say you get cancer or your child, mother, father, anyone. 8,000 a year only seems pretty cheap doesn't it? Where you can walk into a clinic, and no one there to say we need $500 down on this surgery today or we can't help you. Also no paying or barely paying for your medications.
Obama is putting Obamacare as a first step, your taxes will go up but health insurance companies will not be able to charge so much. You will also be able to pay cheaply for insurance without a job, all those people at home sick and unable to work can receive help. Your children can receive help.
If you still unsure why not give it a try?
Instead of people researching non-biased government articles or researching what all of these things are people are listening to biased news channels like FOX network, or believing word of mouth from others.
Our silence and our greed has made us uneducated, not stupid but uneducated. It is still never too late to educate yourself, and it is never too late to look at the other side with an open mind just to try and understand where they are coming from.
I frequently try to understand the biased news channels and I can honestly say I see why people believe what is being said, and all those reporters definitely believe what they are saying and have a way to get people scared to believe their side.
There is no reason to be mad with politics or hate someone of a different political view, and if people were more understanding of each other's opinions and the things they have learned, maybe we could get somewhere.
As far as medical I have been on both sides insured and uninsured, able to pay, and not able to pay.
The treatment you get when you are uninsured is unbelievable, no one is trusting enough to do payments and they want a large sum of money out of pocket right then and there. So many people have helped make doctors and dentists wary, but at the same time it is horrible that most people these days no longer care about a stranger's health and just the amount of money in their wallet.
Having had an abscess recently for almost ten months I found out how much people actually cared. The advice I was given was if it swells to where you can't see from your eye then go to the ER.
That's assuring isn't it?
No matter who you are, what your beliefs are, where you come from, whether your a smoker, drug addict, or a completely straight edge person no one deserves that treatment.
Have people's greed made everyone more untrustworthy?
Back to the subject of taxes, I have heard many people say well why would I care about some unemployed person's health who leeches the system?
It's not just those "leeches" you are caring for, and we should not let those few selfish and manipulative people ruin chances for others who are in need. For all you know that person using food stamps on welfare who looks healthy, they could have HIV and not any money for medication, they could have early stages of cancer, or early MS. You can never know sometimes, and with the taxes you pay, if you lose your job tomorrow those taxes will also help you in return.
Money, beauty, fame, they all can be gone in an instant, would you want to be on the other end of the spectrum being judged for what you do not have?
Besides if I saw someone with money helping out someone in need and I later saw them needing help or a favor, I would definitely give what I can. It's called karma and when you help people whether it's paying taxes, donating clothes, giving food or whatever you will have people in return help you one day.
You can't think about who will screw you over, you have to think about if you help ten people, nine of them turn out ungrateful and trying to mooch, but one out of those ten takes money you gave them and took an opportunity to better themselves. Wouldn't it be great to see someone go from rock bottom to the top because you gave them a chance?
Helping someone with healthcare or paying taxes for Obamacare will help so many people and whether it will benefit you right off, think of children's lives being saved especially. Your taxes helped pay for a surgery, a root canal, chemo, or a heart transplant.
From now on every time you see a chunk taken from your check, sleep better at night knowing you helped someone in desperate need. Be proud of yourself, and be proud to be an American.
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