It has been around in Russia for a good amount of time and has surfaced in Illinois, Arizona, and I have even heard that it has even popped up in Washington State. In Russia it is hard to come by heroin and that is why it has become such an issue there. I feel the reason why it is starting to come here is not the lack of heroin, but the fact that people are poor, and people who are addicted will do whatever they can to get their fix. It is an expense problem.
The affects of this drug is so severe that a user of this drug MAY live for one to two years. It literally rots you from the inside out. What is scary is people who use heroin may not even realize that they are using Krokodil and may be thinking that they are just getting a cheaper version of heroin until it is too late.
When has a drug dealer ever been honest, and who is going to say buy this it is cheaper but will rot you from the inside out.
Doctors who have seen it have claimed that it people who use this drug smell of rotting flesh and that the drug gets it's name for the scaly green skin that it gives people.
It is a deadly mixture of codeine, gasoline, butane, paint thinner, and who knows what else. Usually the people who are being treated for this are put in burn units, and I am sure they probably have to graph new skin on the victims.
I hope no one uses this drug, and if anyone reading this is, please stop.
We need to stop this drug, and right now no one is sure how far it has gone.
These images I am going to show are not exaggerated this is real, and this is the affects of this drug. This isn't from years of abuse this is from short term abuse being a few months to a year or two. After that you die.

Whoever made this drug can rot in hell. I hope that this doesn't end up being a big trend it is already scary enough that our children, and all loved ones are exposed to meth, heroin, cocaine, but now things like krokodil, bath salts, and other random drugs that are being made.
I don't understand how you could do this and allow yourself all that pain and all of your family the pain of watching you suffer.
Be aware and raise awareness on this drug.